Crisis or No Crisis...people still want to learn to fly Paragliders
Things to factor in
If you are going to get paragliding lessons, you must factor in fuel & time travelling to the school, getting into the school's diary on weekends and of course the weather. Would it not just be easier to learn to fly abroad? What the new student never realises when they begin a course, that achieving consecutive paragliding lessons within a short period of time is all so often hampered by the British Climate.
You won't be the first to learn to fly here
Hundreds of Fly Spain students have already made a connection with learning to fly paragliders and training abroad. Six years ago we were alone
Weather is key
Let's face it Spain is synonymous with great weather and if you are looking to learn to fly paragliders or get paragliding lessons then you will save a load of time by learning abroad in an area reputed for its light winds and sunshine. Rob and his team have an incredible experience of teaching abroad not just over ten years in
FlySpain is the culmination of years of experience teaching abroad from
In an effort to combat the lousy exchange rate we have set a lower
If you'd like more information about our paragliding courses or holidays then check out the links, if you want to see avaiblitly over the coming months check here