New Cp Plus mentor program for new pilots for 2017
The course will also be tailored to fit in with the BHPAs new Development Program
The course will also be tailored to fit in with the BHPAs new Development Program
A common enough question, all Uk paragliding training and tuition should really follow the same BHPA syllabus but is sometimes fudged or quickened to encourage an equipment sale or bodged due to poor kit and a sound knowledge and training base. In truth all tuition around the world is the same , its just the way its safely delivered.
Training is often divided into two courses, the first part of a BHPA EP or Elementary paragliding course runs four or five days. The second course, the Club pilot (Cp) course is generally 4 - 6 days in length.
Once you've got your Bhpa novice Club pilot licence or equivalent then you need to choose the right gear and take some sensible steps
Soaring with with vultures or local wildlife is a true gift, paragliding schools everywhere offer a rare chance to learn there trade and make it your own.